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Messy Church

Messy Church is a different expression of church – and a much messier one than normal! Each session has a theme. The first hour is spent doing craft activities, sometimes including painting or cooking. After this we head into the main part of the church- we sing some songs and have a short, child-friendly talk about our theme. Then we head back to the hall for food!

Next Messy Church: 25th February 2024

When?   Last Sunday of the month, 4pm - 6pm (excl. Aug & Dec)

Cost?   Free, just come along!

Who is it for?   Everyone is welcome! Aimed at families.

Where?   Rayleigh Methodist Church. We start in the hall at the back of the building, so follow the path down the side of the building, next to the grass, and you'll find us through the side entrance there.

Parking?   We have a free car park on site at the front of the church

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